Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Types of Glaze for Bread

Some egg-wash substitute for glazing bread while bread-making :-

Soy Powder and Water: Make a vegan version of egg wash by using a mixture of soy powder and water.

Milk: For a golden crust, brush the dough with milk before baking. For a slightly sweeter glaze, dissolve a little sugar in warm milk.

Salted Water: For a light shine and a crisp baked crust, brush the dough with lightly salted water immediately before baking.

Honey: For a soft, sweet, sticky crust, brush a baked, still-warm bread with honey. Alternatively, try molasses or corn syrup.

Olive Oil: For both added flavor and shine, brush the dough with olive oilk immediately before and after baking.

Cornstarch: For a chewy crust, brush the dough with a mixture of cornstarch and water that has been cooked until translucent and then cooled.

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